Vermont Registered Agents

Registered Agents in Vermont - THE PLACE to locate the right Vermont Registered Agent.

You won’t find a category called “Registered Agent” in the yellow pages or phone books. We started this site as an economical place to have registered agents in Vermont be able to showcase their services.

We verify potential advertisers information to maintain the integrity of our Vermont Registered Agents listing.

Advertisers must:
  1. Have a verified, legit Vermont Address
  2. Show a lease or show they own the building by the County Deed Records
  3. Have a verified registration with the Vermont Secretary of State
  4. Have verified existing clients with the Vermont Secretary of State

"Quickest National Registered Agent"

"The Premium office address provider!"

"The simple registered agent solution"

"Wyoming and Nationwide. The Quick Agent Choice"

"The Corporation Agent"


"It's all we do!!"

"The LLC specialist"

Finding Vermont Registered Agents shouldn't be a hard process.

In our opinion Vermont Registered Agents should:
  1. Have an easy sign up form.
  2. Get you the information you need quickly.
  3. Answer their phone calls or emails.
  4. Actually have a local Vermont address.
  5. Provide Vermont Registered Agent service as a business, not a person.
  6. Have an online account for your Vermont service of process.
  7. Have a flat fee pricing structure and not charge you forwarding fees.
The firms above pay us $50.00 a month to be listed on our site. We are always on the lookout for new Registered Agents to showcase here. We hope you enjoy this listing of registered agents in and can efficiently choose the registered agent that will meet or maybe even exceed all your needs in Vermont.